Managing Director | Systemic Coach | Career advisor

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Systemic Business Coach | Team developer | Career advisor | Outplacement

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Rcruiting Manager | HR Specialist

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European & LatAm expansion | M&A & Strategy | Business Development Expert

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Our individual strengths create a strong international team whose competences will be to your benefit


Managing Director | Systemic Coach | Career advisor

Sandry Lopez studied business administration in Bonn. Her professional career in HR consulting began 16 years ago. She learned recruiting from scratch with the intensive groundwork. Before founding SOL, Sandry Lopez worked as an HR consultant for various personnel consultancies and filled management and expert positions in corporations and medium-sized companies.

Sandry Lopez is an expert in intercultural tasks who works as a coach for organizational and personal development. She changes processes and gives impulse lectures on integration, intercultural communication and aspects of VUCA.

Competences and experience:
  • Certified intercultural trainer, systemic coach and change manager
  • Many years of experience in filling management and specialist positions at home and abroad
  • Expert for the implementation of intercultural HR projects in Germany, Latin America and on the Iberian Peninsula


Systemic Business Coach | Team developer | Career advisor | Outplacement
Friedel Martiny looks back on a long career as head of human resources and managing director of human resources in the automotive supplier industry. He is at home in complex international corporate structures as well as in family-owned medium-sized companies and the private equity world.

In addition to many projects in the context of re-organisations and restructurings for renowned international companies and management consultancies, his focus is on career counselling for executives, team development and outplacement.

As an economist, social scientist and labour law expert with certified training as a business coach and team developer, he has a sound basis for all HR topics relating to the ‘Human Resources Life Cycle’ that arise in daily business.


Recruiting Manager | HR Specialist
Natalia Acosta studied Romance Studies Communication and Media Studies in Düsseldorf. She has several years of experience in recruitment projects in Germany and Spanish-speaking countries.

She specialises in the formation, management and training of research teams for domestic and international recruitment. She highly values optimal planning and design in the execution of a successful direct search. With her intercultural skills she supports clients and candidates in challenging situations during the recruitment process.


European & LatAm expansion | M&A & Strategy | Business Development Expert

Victor Marceles accompanies organisations on their strategic and organic development journeys. As an M&A and business development expert, with global and regional experience (25+ years) especially in the life sciences and chemical industries, the financial value creation of a company is his core professional concern. His positive and structured manner as well as his multicultural background are highly appreciated by clients. Mr Marceles is fluent in German, Spanish, English and French. In his work, Mr. Marceles draws on many years of experience in the pharmaceutical, crop protection, animal health and transport and tool steel industries.

Main areas of expertise:
M&A, in-licensing, out-licensing and commercial pipeline valuations | European and LatAm expansion.

  • MBA with distinction from Bradford School of Management, United Kingdom, specialising in strategy and business management
  • Business administration graduate with distinction from the Universidad Externado de Colombia in Bogota, specialising in finance and strategy
  • Wholesale and foreign trade merchant from the German-Colombian Vocational School in Bogota, recognised by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Cologne

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