We ensure that the skills and competencies of your employees promoted individually


To be able to retain employees in the long term, companies have to constantly face new challenges. Agile leadership skills, new ways of thinking and a certain willingness to change are required here.

We create sustainable success that contributes to the constant development and future of your company with a holistic approach. We offer you development for executives and teams in which your needs and goals are our focus.


To develop your company potential, SOL assists you with a comprehensive range of advice that


We ensure that the skills and competencies of your employees promoted individually.
You receive competent support in the development and future of your company.






    In addition, we offer you further training in intercultural management: training in small groups and intensive ‘one-to-one coaching’ with a focus on the cultures of the DACH region, the Iberian Peninsula and the countries of Latin America.

    The ‘Self-Colonizing-Process’ developed by Sandry Lopez is an exclusive personal coaching program aimed primarily at people in demanding positions and accompanies them professionally in their self-development process. SOL is concerned to know how to achieve personal and business goals: mental, spiritual and emotional health, individual balance. You can book the limited program after a selection process.

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