It is hard to find good employees and retaining them in the long term


It is hard to find good employees and retaining them in the long term. We can assist you! We do this through active sourcing - and with a specific approach: SOL acts as an external HR department, helps you to create a first-class employee experience and inspires potential employees for your company. Your advantage: The candidate is intrinsically motivated to change and work for your company.

Selecting your candidates, we make sure that they fit your corporate culture. After all, sustainability is also crucial for long-term successful cooperation when it comes to recruiting.


The added value of SOL is its holistic approach.
We can support you in the following areas: Search, Development and Company Culture.

  • Search

  • Development

  • Company Culture


    • 1. BRIEFING

      After the exact requirements analysis and the description of the positions to be filled, we create a search profile and a list of target companies.
    • 2. SEARCH

      After the potential candidates' identification and assessment, they approached directly, and the first candidates are selected.

      We check qualifications and motivation, discover the candidates' personality and goals, and prepare a confidential report.

      We present you with the preferred candidates and moderate the interviews.

      We certainly assist you and your new employees in the transition phase up to the start of the new job, during the familiarisation period in new fields of activity and when integrating into existing management teams.

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